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J. Matias, M. Morandotti, P. M. Santos, Homogenization of functionals with linear growth in the context of A-quasiconvexity, Appl. Math Optim. 72, issue 3, 523-547, 2015Preprint
J. Matias, M. Morandotti, Homogenization problems in the calculus of variations: an overview. Preprint Accepted for publication in São Paulo J.Math.Sci.
Ana C. Barroso, J. Matias, M. Morandotti, David R. Owen: Explicit Formulas for Relaxed Disarrangement Densities Arising from Structured Deformations. Math. Mech. Complex Syst., 5(2):163-189, 2017 Preprint
J. Matias, M. Morandotti, E. Zappalle: Optimal Design of Fractured Media with Prescribed Macroscopic Strain. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 449:1094-1132, 2017. Preprint
M. Baía, Ana C. Barroso, J. Matias: A model for phase transitions with competing terms. Accepted for publication in Quaterly Journal of MathematicsPreprint
Ana C. Barroso, J. Matias, P. M. Santos: Differential inclusions and A-quasiconvexity. Accepted for publication in Mediterranean Jornal of Mathematics. Preprint
Ana C. Barroso, J. Matias, M. Morandotti, D. Owen: Second Order Structured Deformations: Relaxation, Integral Representation and Applications. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 225:1025-1072, 2017.Preprint.
J. Matias, Structured Deformations in Composite Media, Proceedings of the XXIII Conference of AIMETA, (2017) page 1018.
Graça Carita, José Matias, Marco Morandotti, and David R. Owen: Dimension reduction in the context of structured deformations. arXiv:1709.02869. J. Elasticity. 2018
J.Matias, M. Morandotti & D. R. Owen, Structured Deformations, A Multiscale Geometrical Basis for Variational Problems in Continuum Mechanics,Springer Briefs on PDEs and Data Science. To be published in March 2023 al Soc